Riot Games
Agile, Scrum, Kanban, JIRA, Facilitation

"We aspire to be the most player-focused game company in the world. We were established in 2006 by a couple of entrepreneurial gamers who believe player-focused game development can result in awesome games. In 2009, we released our debut title, League of Legends, to critical and player acclaim. Over 67 million play every month." - Riot Games
At Riot, I served as a Development Management Intern on the Gameplay Initiative. A large focus of my summer was serving as the Lead DM on Season 2016, a major yearly update released for League of Legends. As Lead DM, I coordinated work between teams, assisted in visualizing workflow, regularly identified and removed roadblocks, and rose visibility on risks and changes of scope.
I worked on the Game Systems team, learning how to be a DM on the team level. I assisted with story mapping, sprint estimation and planning, backlog grooming, and other assorted ceremonies.
I also spend a large amount of time on work aimed toward leveling up my discipline of Development Management. I wrote several DM "how tos", and ran a workshop centered around Developer Efficiency at Riot.